
This Cyberpunk 2077 mod makes Night City's weather appropriately crap | PC Gamer - dickinsongoodue

This Cyberpunk 2077 mod makes Night Metropolis's weather appropriately crap

Night City fog
(Image credit: CD Projekt)

Cyberpunk 2077 mods

Cyberpunk 2077 in third-person, screenshot by xRevo94

(Image acknowledgment: Candle Projekt/xRevo94)

Cyberpunk 2077's modding scene is still in its early childhood, but we've picked out a few of the best from the primeval selection. Check out the best Cyber-terrorist 2077 mods.

When Cyberpunk 2077's Night Metropolis was first shown off, a mete out of people seemed to be surprised about just how sunny it was. Bright puritanic skies is not what the idea straight off conjures upwards when you think of dystopian cyberpunk cities, even if they are in the Golden State desert. If you never quite got over this, there is course a mod for what ails you.

I retrieve there's room for more sunshine in cyberpunk, but I'm likewise Scottish, which means I sporty freak out at the sight of altogether that open space up there—where the heck are every last the clouds? It's grotesque. Essenthy's Climate Change mod means I can escape valve the terror of the great blue void by replacing it with something a bit gloomier.

Instead of sunshine, you can enjoy fog, pollution, nephrotoxic fog, clouds, overcast and the most cyberpunk of them all: plain rain. All of this clog upwind appears normally without the mod, but picking unitary will arrive the default, replacing sunny atmospheric condition entirely. You'll still see other kinds of brave out, so you won't be cragfast with your choice, but that will go the most standard type.

Creator Essenthy notes that the mod doesn't work in North Slope, for some reason, and tooshie be spotty in the Badlands. They trust to find a solution at one time more civilised modding tools become for sale.

The oppressive basic and toxic fog settings are my personal favourites, calling to mind Blade Runner 2049. That's when Nighttime City looks as malevolent American Samoa it really is. Perfect weather for law-breaking.

Fraser Brown

Fraser is the UK online editor and has actually met The Internet in person. With over a decade of see, he's been around the block a few times, serving as a freelancer, news editor and prolific reviewer. Strategy games have been a 30-class-long fixation, from tiny RTSs to straggly political sims, and atomic number 2 never turns down the chance to rave more or less Total Warfare or Crusader Kings. He's also been known to set up shop in the latest MMO and likes to wind down with an infinitely deep, general RPG. These days, when atomic number 2's non editing, atomic number 2 can usually be constitute writing features that are 1,000 words overly long. Helium thinks labradoodles are the optimum dogs but doesn't devi write almost them much.


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