
Blizzard says to expect more Overwatch 2 info at Blizzcon in February | PC Gamer - dickinsongoodue

Blizzard says to expect much Overwatch 2 info at Blizzcon in February

During the latest Overwatch developer update telecasting, game managing director Jeff Kaplan briefly mentioned that word connected Overwatch 2 volition embody forthcoming during Blizzcon in February 2021, which will exist held completely online. This is the outset life sign for Overwatch 2 since the sequel's reveal support in November 2019, likely due to the coronavirus pandemic which also caused the cancelation of Blizzcon 2020.

Similarly, this is the first Overwatch development update television by Kaplan in seven months, holy almost entirely to the inexperient Kanezaka map. Kanezaka is a free-for-all map, and A you can speculation from the name, information technology's set in Japan, depicting the streets leading up to Hanamura Castle. It comes complete with unrivaled of those Toyota Pixies that can squeeze through whatsoever narrow street, and a cat coffeehouse featuring the Overwatch squad's cats.

Kanezaka came about by luck, as Kaplan explains. "We yearned-for to grow the team size in order to defecate the game that we're making, and we leased this really awing level designer called Jelly Roll Morton. [...] We asked him to experiment along a free-for-all Deathmatch map, and it was so good that the team wanted to bring information technology to full production." You can try impossible Kanezaka on the public test server now, and it's supposed to release for the full gamey at few point in early 2021.

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Kanezaka comes as a bit of a surprise to everyone, the team enclosed, As work Overwatch 2 is underway, so no one had planned on releasing a new map for Overwatch at every. "There's very much of easter eggs in the map," Kaplan says, "Not only active future Overwatch lore. [...] You should really pay attention to every small-arm of graffiti and every location in this." Kaplan also recognised that the silence on Overwatch 2 has been a long one and only, merely that work is underway, and that he's happy with each the events held in Overwatch, as well as its progress connected curbing toxicity. "We still take up a shipway to go, just to manage expectations."

Blizzcon 2021 is scheduled to take place on February 19 and 20, 2021.


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