Menstrual cup removal tips

JuJu Menstrual Cup Model 4

A step-by-step guide to help you remove your menstrual cup.

For some people, removing a menstrual loving cup is the trickiest part of using a menstrual loving cup. With practice, this will get easier.

Thoroughly wash your hands with a balmy lather and warm water before removing your loving cup and follow these removal tips.

1. Practise

It's a good thought to exercise inserting and removing your cup a couple of times a calendar week when y'all are in the shower before your period starts. This will make the transition easier when y'all do take your period.

2. Relax and get comfortable

  • Find a comfortable position. For some people, this may be squatting, continuing, standing with one leg raised or sitting with the tailbone tucked under.
  • Squatting or sitting on the toilet and tucking the tailbone under (i.east. tilting the pelvis forwards) volition shorten the vaginal canal and make the cup easier to reach.
  • Removal is easier if you are non tense. A relaxed jaw is oft the fox to relaxing the residue of the body and pelvic floor muscles. Lightly touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your oral fissure and relax the jaw to help your body relax.
  • The shower is an ideal location for removing your loving cup equally you lot won't be as anxious about spilling menstrual fluid when first learning.

3. Release the suction seal

Release the suction seal past squeezing or pinching the base of the cup with your index finger and thumb for a couple of seconds. This will cause the cup to 'dent' and the suction seal volition exist broken or released. You may hear a suction sound as the seal is released.

This is 1 of the most of import steps and is ofttimes overlooked. The cup forms a suction seal with the vaginal walls and this is what helps prevent leaking. The JuJu Cup has four holes in the rim of the cup. These holes allow for the suction seal to be released prior to removing the cup so always ensure they are kept clean and clear of menstrual debris.

If y'all accept a loftier cervix or long vaginal canal, y'all may find your loving cup sits especially loftier and you may not be able to reach the base of the loving cup with your index finger and pollex. A cup will oftentimes sit higher later sleeping then permit yourself an hr after waking before attempting to remove your cup every bit gravity volition often move the uterus, cervix and cup lower throughout the day. If you are withal unable to reach your menstrual loving cup, try the following tips;

  • squat or tuck your tailbone under to shorten the vaginal canal
  • acquit down lightly to move the cup lower
  • slide your index finger just, up abreast the loving cup
  • press the cup towards the centre for a couple of seconds to release the suction seal

4. Move the loving cup lower

  • Compression the base of your JuJu loving cup on the raised butterfly design. Compression firmly enough to get a practiced grip but not and so hard that it would crusade the menstrual fluid to spill out of the cup. Some people find completely drying their hands and pinching the index finger and thumb together, before inserting them into the vagina, helps with getting a better grip.
  • Gently 'walk' the loving cup downward towards the vaginal opening, rocking it from side to side and stopping one time the stem and a small portion of the base is protruding. Bearing downwards lightly will also help move the cup lower.

5. Remove the loving cup

Remove the cup on an angle, removing the acme side of the rim, tilting it, then removing the bottom side of the rim.

The Tips for Removing Your Menstrual Cup video has helpful tips for removing your menstrual cup.

Getting used to removing the JuJu cup may take a couple of tries but once you discover the method that works for you, information technology volition become easier.

If you take had few attempts and are even so having difficulty removing your cup, take a break from it for a while as being tense or anxious may crusade the vaginal muscles to tighten which will make removal even more difficult.

The 'Hot Dog in a Bun' removal technique

If you observe the regular method of removing a menstrual cup causes discomfort at the vaginal opening due to the diameter of the rim of the cup, gently shape the cup into a 'c' or 'u' shape; like to the shape used when inserting your cup.

Folding the cup into this shape will get in slimmer and easier to remove but perhaps a piddling messier.

This Removal Video demonstrates another menstrual cup removal technique known every bit the 'Hot Canis familiaris in a Bun' method.

Please note

The stem on the JuJu cup has been designed to be flexible nonetheless strong. Please don't;

  • Attempt to remove your JuJu cup by pulling excessively on the stem without releasing the suction seal every bit this will increase the suction and brand removal more difficult.
  • Dig long fingernails into the stalk every bit this may cause tears in the stem.

You may wish to refer to our article on what to exercise if your menstrual cup feels stuck. If you are even so unable to remove your cup after a number of attempts, please seek help from a doctor or your local emergency section.